Listed below are the directors and trustees of the Jerusalem and the Middle East Church Association and the staff and directors of Jerusalem and the East Mission Trust Ltd.
Click names below for more detail.
The Jerusalem and the Middle East Church Association
Patron: The Most Revd and Rt Hon. Archbishop of Canterbury
Joint Presidents: Diocesan Bishops of the provinces of Alexandria and Jerusalem & the Middle East
Vice Presidents: Dean of St George's Cathedral, Jerusalem
Lord Chartres, Mr Richard Owens, The Revd Canon Huw Thomas and Sir Harold Walker
Chair: The Right Revd Anthony Ball
Vice Chair: The Revd Catherine Dawkins
Directors/Trustees: The directors of JEMT
Secretary: Mrs Shirley Eason
Bible Lands Editor: The Revd Dr Stephen Need
The Jerusalem and the East Mission Trust employs two part-time members of staff to administer the charities, all other roles are voluntary.
Chair: The Right Revd Canon Anthony Ball
Vice Chair: (pro-tem) The Revd Catherine Dawkins
Treasurer: The Revd Catherine Dawkins
JEMT Directors: Canon Dr Clare Amos
Mrs Carol Hawkey
JEMT Consultants: The Revd Canon Hugh Wybrew
Mr Joel Kelling (Anglican Alliance)
The Ven John Holdsworth (Communications)
Administrator: Mrs Shirley Eason
Admin Assistant: Mrs Anne Crawshaw
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