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Praying Around the Provinces

JMECA offers you this monthly prayer cycle for the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East and the Province of Alexandria, home to the three Abrahamic faiths, centre of the world’s political conflicts, asks for your prayers.


1st The Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. The President Bishop of the Province, the Most Revd Hosam Naoum.


2nd The Archbishop and Dean of St George's Cathedral, the Most Rev Hosam Naoum and his wife Raffa and family. For wisdon as he leads the church in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. The administrative staff.

3rd The clergy serving the parishes and institutions in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon and the congregations who keep the faith and sustain the churches in troubled times.

4th The hospitals and centres that tend the sick: the Diabetic Clinic Ramallah, St Luke’s Hospital Nablus, the Alhi Arab hospital Gaza, and the Penman Clinic, Zebabdeh.

5th The schools that prepare the next generation: St George’s Jerusalem, the International School Jerusalem, the Arab Episcopal School Ramallah, the Vocational Training Centre Ramallah, Christ’s School Nazareth, St John’s School Haifa, the Ahliyyah School for Girls, the Bishop’s Kindergarten and the Bishop’s School for Boys Amman, the Schneller Vocational Training Institute Amman, St Saviour’s School Zerqa, St John Baptist School for Integration of the Blind Irbid, and St George’s School Lod.

6th The centres of healing: the Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre, the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf Salt, the Jofeh Community Rehabilitation Centre Jordan Valley, the Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf Beirut, St Luke’s Centre for the Mentally Disabled Beirut, the Home for the Elderly Amman, the Episcopal Home for Children Ramallah.

7th The guest houses that provide hospitality and refreshment for pilgrims and all visitors: St George’s Jerusalem, St Margaret’s Nazareth, St Andrew’s Ramallah, the Schneller Institute Amman and Christ Church Jerusalem.

8th Those who work for peace: the Peace and Reconciliation Movement, Kids4Peace, Sabeel and people from all sides who seek peace and pursue it.

9th St George’s College Jerusalem and its courses: the Dean, the Very Revd Richard Sewell and his wife Julieann, the Course Director, the Rev Dr Rodney Aist, the Chaplain, and their families.

Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed, kindle, we pray, in the hearts of all your people the true love of peace.


10th All in leadership roles in the Church in Iran

11th The political leadership of the nation. The wellbeing of all people in Iran.

12th The congregations of the Episcopal Church in Isfahan (its suburb Julfa), Tehran & Shiraz. The cities where congregations have worshipped in past years – Kerman, Yazd, Ahwaz.

13th All involved in ministry among Iranians through media, literature, witness and leadership training.

14th The Diaspora of Iranian Christians scattered in many nations.

Guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth, that in tranquillity your kingdom may go forward, till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love.


15th The new bishop, the Rt Rev Sean Semple, his wife Jenny and their family. The diocesan administrative staff.

16th The Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral Nicosia, the Very Revd Jeremy Crocker and his wife Beth. The Dean of St Christopher’s Cathedral Bahrain.

17th The Archdeacon in the Gulf, the Ven Dr Michael Mbona and his wife Christine. The Archdeacon in Cyprus, the Ven Christopher Futcher and his wife Anne, who will be retiring at the end of September 2024.

18th The clergy and people of Cyprus in Nicosia, Kyrenia, Larnaca, Limassol, Paphos and Ammochostos. The work of the Katafiyio Retreat room at the Angel Hills Hotel.

19th The clergy and people of the Gulf in Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Dubai, Sharjah and the Northern Emirates, Oman, Doha, Aden and the clinic at Ras Morbat, and the scattered congregations of the Arabian Peninsula who keep the faith privately.

20th The Church in Qatar and the Epiphany Centre, Dohar. The congregation of Baghdad led by the Revd Faiz Jerjes. The people of Iraq, of all faiths, and all the Iraqi Christians who are sheltering in other lands.

21st The political leaders in Cyprus, Iraq and the Gulf States, that all may seek and create just and stable governments.

22nd The Friends of the diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf.

Almighty and everlasting God, creator and giver of all good gifts, mercifully hear our prayers and grant to this diocese all things needful for its welfare.


23rd The Province of Alexandria. The Archbishop of the Province, the Most Rev Dr Samy Fawzy.

24th The diocese of Egypt. The bishop the Most Rev Dr Samy Fawzi and his wife Madeline and their family and for all who work in and for the diocese.

25th The diocese of North Africa. The bishop the Rt Rev Anthony Ball, his family and all who work in and for the diocese.

26th The diocese of the Horn of Africa. The bishop the Rt Rev Martin Reakes-Williams and all who work in and for the diocese including Bishop Kuan Kim Seng.

27th The diocese of Gambella in Ethiopia. The bishop the Rt Rev Jeremiah Paul, his wife and family and all who work in and for the diocese including Bishop Kuan Kim Seng.

28th The Alexandria School of Theology Education System and its campuses throughout the Province. The Chair of the AST Board of Governors, the Rev Dr Ashley Null. All staff and students and their families.

29th The Friends of the Anglican Province of Alexandria, the Friends of the Anglican Church in Ethiopia and all friends of the dioceses.

Strengthen the faithful, protect the children, comfort the sick, uplift the fallen and bring us all to be of one heart and one mind within the fellowship of your holy church.

30th The Jerusalem and the Middle East Church Association. Its Chair, the Rt Revd Anthony Ball. The staff in the office in Farnham, Mrs Shirley Eason and Mrs Anne Crawshaw. All whose gifts, past and present, sustain it.

Bring to our world of strife 

The sovereign word of peace 

That war may haunt the earth no more 

And desolation cease