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Bethlehem. Biography of a Town

Bethlehem. Biography of a Town

Nicholas Blincoe

London: Constable, 2017

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Mini Review by: Revd Stephen Need, JMECA Bible Lands editor

The New York Times describes this book as ‘mouth-watering’ and it’s a fair comment. It begins with a Christmas pudding the author took to his wife’s parents’ house in Bethlehem one Christmas. Following the lead of many of the fruits in the pudding the author takes the reader through the natural terrain of the Bethlehem region into its history and people. Noting the parting of the Rift Valley about twenty-three million years ago, he opens up the history of the region with his eye on Bethlehem and its people, working his way through its many rich layers of history. A lovely book!




Featured in Bible Lands, Winter 2020