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Gaza Crisis Appeal

This appeal is now finished.

Supporters generously donated £15,616.55 to this appeal to support the vital work of the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza.

Thank you for your prayers and donations.

You can continue to support the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza with regular or one-off donations to ensure medical treatment is available for all in the area.

The Archbishop in Jerusalem is appealing to all people of goodwill to support this humanitarian mission through their generous contributions to Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza.

Over recent days, the rapid escalation of violence throughout the Holy Land has led to a heartbreaking situation in the region.  Families are being bombed from their homes, medical supplies are running out and there is a desperate need for fuel to keep generators going.  In the air, attacks have been launched against Gaza and central Israel.  On the ground, there has been rioting between extremists in ethnically mixed cities in particular over the pending evictions in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, of which St. George’s Cathedral is a part.  Scores have been killed; many have been injured.

In his press release (click on image below to read the full press release) the new Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, the Most Rev'd Hosam Naoum, called on the authorities to restore order and calm in the region and work towards a lasting peace.

Press Release from Archbishop Hosam

At this time, the Diocese of Jerusalem continues to reach out to all who are injured, bereaved or left without homes and employment. In particular, the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza is on the frontlines of these relief efforts, becoming a beacon of hope to those trying to remain alive under such dire circumstances. 

However, the hospital is overwhelmed and in desperate need of funds as supplies run low and electricity has been cut. Your donation will be used to:

  • provide fuel for hospital generators (their only source of electricity)
  • purchase emergency medicine and medical supplies 

Donate Today

Donation button for online donation

Online: Please donate to the Archbishop's Al Ahli Hospital Appeal 2021 via our online CAF Donation page here.

Cheque/Postal Order/Charity Voucher: Post a cheque to made out to J.M.E.C.A. to The Administrator, JMECA, 1 Hart House, The Hart, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7HJ. Please send a note or write on the back of the cheque to say it is for the Al Ahli Hospital Appeal.

Bank transfer: Direct to the JMECA account (email the Secretary for details), please specify in the details that your donation is for the "Al Ahli Hospital Appeal" and notify us by email

Whether giving online, by bank transfer or by cheque please let us know if we can claim Gift Aid on your donation to increase it by 25%. Eligibility criterial/declaration form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.


Pray Today

Please join us in prayer for an end to this devastating conflict:

Almighty and Everlasting God: Our days are in your hands; we lift up all those in the Holy Land who are victims of violence and injustice, that you might empower your Church to bring healing to the wounded, relief to the suffering, and comfort to those who mourn; we pray also that you would soften the hearts of all those involved in the recent conflicts, that they would be led to work for justice and lasting peace in the land where your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ first came to bring hope and abundant life to all people; these things we ask in his Holy Name. Amen.


Published 20th May 2021