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Cyprus & the Gulf

Bishop Sean blessing the eucharist at his consecration

Bishop of the Diocese: Bishop Sean Semple

The Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf covers a wide and diverse region, serving the people of around ten political jurisdictions across a huge area, offering a warm welcome to all they represent and serve. Those serving in the Diocese represent many nationalities, some are citizens of the land in which they live but most are expatriate migrants. 

Established in 1976, the Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf is one of the four dioceses that make up the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. In 1984 the diocese established companion links with the Diocese of Exeter in England and in 2005 with the Diocese of Thika in Kenya.

In addition to its many parishes, the diocese is also host to a substantial and growing Mission to Seafarers presence as well as a thriving Retreats Ministry.

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The church in Aden, Yemen
The church in Aden, Yemen

Please Pray for the Diocese

The Diocese of Cyprus & the Gulf send out a quarterly prayer guide which can be downloaded below. The guide gives suggested daily intercessions and thanksgivings written from within the parishes and chaplaincies, along with a weekly prayer request from the Bishop and a focus on a specific ministry.

Archbishop Sean's prayer requests for the diocese
June 2024