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JMECA continues in its historic aim, to provide support to the Anglican/Episcopal Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East despite the continual current of change that ebbs and flows across the region due to conflict, government and Episcopal changes. Today, JMECA supports both the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, and the Province of Alexandria which was inaugurated in 2021 and covers the area that was formerly the Diocese of Egypt, North Africa and the Horn of Africa.

It does this through managing historic investment funds, publicising the work of the church in the dioceses and encouraging prayer and donations from churches and individuals in the UK and Ireland. The general funds and donations are allocated according to the priorities set by the Diocesan Bishops. This means that the money will go where the need is greatest at the time. The stability of the funds that JMECA is able to send to the dioceses means they can plan for the future and invest in longer term projects as well as the short term needs.

In recent years JMECA has become more proactive in encouraging donations for the work of the province, through its presence online, promotion of the JMECA Bible Lands magazine and advertising of the Good Friday Offering and more specific appeals.

The JMECA office in FarnhamThe charity is run with just two part-time paid members of staff employed by the JEMT standing committee and operates from a small office in Farnham, Surrey, ensuring administration costs are kept to a minimum. These costs are covered in full from an annual 1% manage fee on the investment capital. This means it can send100% of a donor's gift to the work in the diocese.