This is an unusual, and possibly unique, moment in the unfolding story of the two provinces with the Primates each being the only diocesan bishop in their Church and therefore, between them, acting in that role for all seven dioceses supported by JMECA.
Chair of the JMECA trustees, Bishop Anthony Ball, writes in his introduction to this edition of Bible Lands,
The foregrounding of people and their stories is apparent in the pieces that the JMECA Communications Consultant, Archdeacon John Holdsworth (whose appointment was announced in the last edition), and others have contributed to this magazine. I do hope you enjoy reading about them and that the articles reinforce, or rekindle, a sense of your connection with the Anglican churches of the region.
Here are just a few highlights to look out for:
- Archbishops’ Joint Appeal for Jerusalem (Donate here)
- Jerusalem Heads of Churches letter
- Temple Gairdner centenary
- Interfaith initiatives
- Where Jesus grew up?
Book Reviews in this edition:
- Treasure in the Wilderness - Desert Spirituality for Uncertain Times - Andrew D Mayes
- Archaeology of Jesus' Nazareth - Ken Dark