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Mothers Union Delivers in Chad

The Mothers’ Union is to have a new branch in Chad. 

The gathering that welcomed the new branchFollowing the establishment of the Mothers Union in the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf at a service in Kuwait last month, twelve women (biblically significant!)  from the Anglican Church in Chad (Anglican Diocese of North Africa) gathered in the capital, N’Djamena last weekend and, with the encouragement of their Bishop, decided to establish a branch and affiliate to the worldwide Mothers’ Union movement.  They met in St Paul’s Church on Saturday (14 December), called together by the head of the Women’s Ministry Department, Mme Felicité Ndoubayidi, for a full day’s programme that included time for worship, Bible study, fellowship, group work and an address from Bishop Anthony.   Mme Felicité led the session looking at the story of Abigail in 1 Samuel 25, with reflections on the role of women in promoting peace and reconciliation (within both church and society).

Following a time of vibrant worship, Bishop Anthony gave a brief outline of the history, mission and vision of the Mothers’ Union, with inspiring stories from the MU movement in Africa – including how it started in Kenya, the Eagle programme in Uganda and the work of the branch in the neighbouring Diocese of Cameroon. 

the declaration of the foundation is held aloftAt the end of the workshops the women elected Mme Dezoumbe Ignadang as the N’Djamena Deanery representative for the new MU branch.  Her husband, the Revd Eric Maba Nadjebeye, is the Area Dean and priest-in-charge of St Peter’s, N’Djamena.  Amidst much rejoicing she read out an agreed formal statement of the decision to establish a Branch and seek affiliation to the worldwide Mothers’ Union.  The group sees this as just the beginning and they look forward to establishing another branch in the south of Chad, where there is enthusiasm for it, especially amongst Nigerian members of the church.  They expressed a commitment to provide local resources, as well as seek external/international support, to enable them to learn more about the MU and undertake some practical projects.

Thje Bishop with the new MU leadersThe Bishop gave thanks that a Diocesan Synod resolution in September had borne such fruit , and expressed his hope that a President of a Diocesan Branch of the MU might be formally commissioned at the time of the next Synod (in February).  He concluded the day with prayers for the newly formed MU group, leading everyone in saying the Mothers Union Prayer.

To support the work of the Diocese of North Africa, you can donate here