This edition was in preparation then the Coronavirus pandemic struck and everything changed. Across the Middle East and North Africa public gatherings were banned. Churches were closed. Public services no longer took place. Even Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre did not hold Good Friday and Easter services. Institutions like St George’s College, Jerusalem cancelled courses. St George’s Cathedral is holding services in the cloisters with suitable social distancing.
Before the pandemic struck, changes to the structure of the province had become clear. In November 2019 Bishop Michael Lewis of Cyprus and the Gulf succeeded Archbishop Suheil as President Archbishop for the next two and a half years. The application of the Diocese of Egypt to become a separate Province of the Anglican Communion had passed through the various stages of enquiry and was formally agreed by the Anglican Consultative Council to become in due course the Province of Alexandria. Shortly
Amidst all this, the dioceses continue to worship with, and minister to, their communities.
Copies of past editions are available from the JMECA Secretary.